About Transformative Justice Coalition

Our Leaders

Barbara R. Arnwine, ESQ
President & Founder
Daryl Jones, Esq
Board Chair
Brian Mccoy
Founder and President of BDM Sports & Foundation

Terry O’Neill, ESQ
Feminist Attorney, Professor and Activist for Social Justice

Our Mission

Systematic change that achieves racial justice, gender, economic and social justice and human right through public education and engagement initiatives that attend equally to hearts and minds  as well as the social systems and structures in which they exist.

Our Vision

A world in which every individual has an equal opportunity to fully participate in their governance.

Meet the Board

The team diligently work towards bettering communities by organizing marches, speaking out about injustices, showing up to support victims in court as well as creating programs to support a better justice system.

What We Do

Youth Development Leadership Initiative

Youth Leadership Development Initiative will work with young racial and social justice leaders to develop their professional, organizational development and communications skills.  Holding workshops and short-term institutes will constitute elements of this programming.

End Racism

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Build Peace – implement non-discriminatory laws, procedures, and policies.  Promote respect and tolerance for diversity.


Put an End to Police Violence

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Police Violence is unlawful, unnecessary and affects Black Communities on a larger scale.  These recen killings of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd has awoken the consciousnes of all of us.  Black Lives Matter!


Black Lives Matter

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Global Network builds power to bring justice, healin, and freedom to Black people acrosss the globe.


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The definition is just behavior or treatment.  A concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people.

Democracy and Voting Rights Project

is dedicated to informed civil engagement and equal voting rights for all regardless of race, gender, disability, youth, ethnicity, ESL, and income. TJC will use the Voting Rights Map of Shame, developed by its President in 2011, to inform the public of threats to our democracy, how to protect their voting rights and steps to take to ensure their ability to cast a ballot and have it counted. Advancing electoral reforms will also be a component of this work. Seeking the restoration of voting rights for ex-felons will also be a part of the voting rights program.

The Criminal Justice Project

The Criminal Justice Project will focus on reducing the rate of incarceration for people of color in federal and state prisons by working directly with formerly incarcerated persons to educate the public about preventative strategies and alternatives to incarceration.

Policing Reform Project

Policing Reform Project through the leadership of its President, TJC will continue to co-convene with the NAACP, the Civil Rights Coalition for Policing Reform. The Coalition seeks to end police misconduct and killings by reducing racial bias, racial profiling, racial targeting, militarization, and other inappropriate policing tactics and increasing police accountability through promoting body-worn cameras, dash cams, community control, and other reforms. This programming will include communications, production of toolkits, Twitter town halls, op-eds, interactions with state and federal officials, sponsoring of fora, and testimony upon request.

Race & Sports Equity Project

Race & Sports Equity Project will be a program designed to address the disparities in the Sports Industry based on Race and/or Gender. Interacting with the various sports leagues and players associations to promote equity programs for people of color and women will be an integral part of this programming. TJC will sponsor panels and programs to educate the public about the structural issues confronting the quest for equity in the Sports.

International Human Rights Initiative

International Human Rights Initiative will focus on advancing the goals of the International Decade for African Descendants. This programming will include testifying before international forums about compliance by the United States with various international accords.

African-American Women and Girls Project

African-American Women and Girls Project

African-American Women and Girls Project will focus on intersectional work addressing inequalities and barriers posed by policies, practices, and procedures that present special barriers for women of color based on the combination of their race and sex. Operating an annual African American Women and the Law Conference will be a central part of this programming.

Contact the Transformative Justice Coalition by email, chat, or phone. 

The Board