September 2018

An Education: June 9th Marks 150th Anniversary of 14th Amendment

An Education: June 9th Marks 150th Anniversary of 14th Amendment

An Education: June 9th Marks 150th Anniversary of 14th Amendment As President Donald Trump prepares to announce his Supreme Court nominee, here’s why the amendment’s promise of “equal protection of the laws” still matters. Published – July 9th, 2018 By Kenrya…

“Promoting Justice in a Time of Challenge: Family Separation Aftermath, New Supreme Court Nomination, the Role of the Black Church and the Millennial Votes Matter Program at SCLC Convention, July 13th.”

IGNITING CHANGE “Promoting Justice in a Time of Challenge: Family Separation Aftermath, New Supreme Court Nomination, the Role of the Black Church and the Millennial Votes Matter Program at SCLC Convention, July 13th.” On July 13th, 2018, from…GET YOUR SOUL TO THE POLL, MILWAUKEE


GET YOUR SOUL TO THE POLL, MILWAUKEE Published – Milwaukee is buzzing this summer! Over 100 church congregations are getting involved in “Souls To The Polls Milwaukee” – a city-wide effort to register voters, verify that they have voter…

Cracked, Packed, or Hijacked

Cracked, Packed, or Hijacked Legislatively Speaking Attempts to Suppress Black Voter Participation IS Real Published – July 21st, 2018 By Senator, Lena C. Taylor, A few days ago, a group of Milwaukee residents gathered to provide…Residents testify on voter suppression at Milwaukee hearing

Residents testify on voter suppression at Milwaukee hearing

Residents testify on voter suppression at Milwaukee hearing Published – July 21st, 2018 By Ahmed Elbenni, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel For Helen Harris, voting is a family tradition. She was born in Louisiana when Jim Crow ruled the day and her parents…Older EntriesJohn Nichols: Not all Republicans abandon ‘party of Lincoln’s’ faith in voting rights

John Nichols: Not all Republicans abandon ‘party of Lincoln’s’ faith in voting rights

John Nichols: Not all Republicans abandon ‘party of Lincoln’s’ faith in voting rights Published – July 7th, 2018 By John Nicholes Gov. Scott Walker and his cronies have worked hard to tip the balance against competitive elections in…Calling the Black Church Army: AME Call to Conscience – Day of Action” September 5th-6th, Washington, DC

Calling the Black Church Army: AME Call to Conscience – Day of Action” September 5th-6th, Washington, DC

IGNITING CHANGE The Fight For Voting Rights and the 2018 Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Annual Legislative Conference.” On August 21st, 2018, from 12:00–1:00 PM EDT, radio show host Barbara Arnwine, founder and president of the Transformative…Georgia voting rights activists move to block plan to close two-thirds of county’s polling places

Georgia voting rights activists move to block plan to close two-thirds of county’s polling places

Georgia voting rights activists move to block plan to close two-thirds of county’s polling places Published – August 18th, 2018 By Vanessa Williams Washington Post Voting rights activists in Georgia say they will launch a petition drive in an effort to…Voting Rights Advocates Used to Have an Ally in the Government. That’s Changing.

Voting Rights Advocates Used to Have an Ally in the Government. That’s Changing.

Voting Rights Advocates Used to Have an Ally in the Government. That’s Changing. Published – August 12th, 2018 By Michael Wines New York Times WASHINGTON — A new voter ID law could shut out many Native Americans from the polls in North Dakota. A strict rule on…

The Fight For Voting Rights and the 2018 Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Annual Legislative Conference.”

IGNITING CHANGE The Fight For Voting Rights and the 2018 Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Annual Legislative Conference.” On September 11th, 2018, from 12:00–1:00 PM EDT, radio show host Barbara Arnwine, founder and president of the Transformative…Older EntriesICE, Justice subpoena voter records from North Carolina

ICE, Justice subpoena voter records from North Carolina

ICE, Justice subpoena voter records from North Carolina Published – September 5th, 2018 By Tal Kopan, CNN Washington (CNN)Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Department of Justice have gotten a court order for North Carolina to turn over eight years of…Georgia County Rejects Plan to Close 7 Polling Places in Majority-Black Area Image

Georgia County Rejects Plan to Close 7 Polling Places in Majority-Black Area Image

Georgia County Rejects Plan to Close 7 Polling Places in Majority-Black Area Image Published – August 23th, 2018 By Richard Fausset New York Times CUTHBERT, Ga. — The consultant, a white man, came to the mainly black Randolph County in rural southern Georgia and…Voting rights group files lawsuit over ballot proposal

Voting rights group files lawsuit over ballot proposal

Voting rights group files lawsuit over ballot proposal Published – August 29th, 2018 By John Counts Michigan News LANSING, MI – A group trying to get a voting rights proposal on the November ballot is suing state election workers for not validating the…WH plans to erase data from Trump voter fraud panel

WH plans to erase data from Trump voter fraud panel

WH plans to erase data from Trump voter fraud panel Published – January 9, 2018 By Brett Samuels The Hill The White House plans to erase data collected for President Trump’s now-disbanded voter fraud commission instead of turning it over to the Department of…Trump Dissolves Controversial Election Commission

Trump Dissolves Controversial Election Commission

Trump Dissolves Controversial Election Commission Published – January 3, 20188:06 PM ET By Jessica Taylor npr The White House announced Wednesday that President Trump’s controversial Advisory Commission on Election Integrity — which was mired in lawsuits…